The History of CCWGL


The Cape Cod Women’s Golf League was founded in 1960 with just a small group of ladies from a few Cape courses seeking to share their love of the game. Member names were recorded on index cards and kept in a recipe box. When the players showed up to play, each placed her card in a pile and teams were drawn by lot.


From these simple beginnings, CCWGL has grown to what we know today with over 160 members – our membership is drawn from Cape courses, as well as a few from off Cape. We play approximately 25 times each year at both public, municipal and private clubs, including a two-day League Championship, a Memorial Tournament and Charity Tournaments to benefit the Cape Cod Healthcare Foundation and worthy non-profit organizations.


In 2009 CCWGL became totally internet-based for all event sign-ups.  And in 2021 we added mobile scoring using our smartphones. We now have 6 elected officers and 11 standing committees. 


The original members would surely marvel at the technology used today. One thing that certainly has not changed since the beginning is the camaraderie and friendships the League has brought to its members—lifetime friendships extend well beyond the golf course.  In good time and in not-so-good, our League friends are always there with good cheer and caring support.